Specialist Supply Chain Assessments

If you have a particular area of concern within your operations WBS can help with a targeted assessment, such as the Warehousing and Logistics Process Improvement Assessment or the Manufacturing and Operations Assessment which are geared towards reducing costs and improving employee efficiency and productivity.

Our Assessments

WBS Group consultants have developed over the last 10 years, a proven system for evaluating supply chain operations: to identify areas where improvements can be made, elimination of non-value add activities, establishing the value (size of the prize) to the business of the identified improvements and developing a route map for implementation of identified improvements.

Our assessments provide an independent, external perspective. Customised to suit your needs, each assessment can be performed across the whole of the operation or targeted at a sector of the business or business problem.

Why Undertake an Assessment?

  • To get an external perspective on how your operations currently perform – either the entire supply chain or a targeted aspect of it
  • Robust starting point for future improvement programmes
  • Identification of both positive and negatives
  • Structured and proven assessment methodology and tools
  • Face-to-face presentation of findings, recommendations and benefits
  • Realistic and achievable recommendations
  • A set of recommended next steps for implementation

Our Approach

When analysing Supply Chains, we:
  • Evaluate the end-to-end process of the Supply Chain
  • Establish the consequences of the business issue
  • Calculate the cost to the business as a result of the issue
  • Determine where the root cause to the business issue occurs
  • Establish the most suitable solution to the issue
  • Evaluate the cost, effort and time required to implement the solution
Assessment Case Studies Find out more


Warehouse Designing & Operational Process Improvement Assessment
End to End Supply Chain Assessment
Energy Cost Reduction Assessment
Manufacturing & Operations Assessment
Strategic Design
Strategic Design
Tactical Transformation
Tactical Transformation
Train and Sustain
Train and Sustain