Process Identification

Process Minimalism® Series - Module 1

  • 29 June 2016
  • Number of views: 5726

Course Objectives:

  • Learn how to identify and map processes within the organisation
  • Understand the difference between value streams and processes
  • Identify different types of waste within processes
  • Learn how to reduce or eliminate waste from processes
  • Draft a future state process

Course Description:

This interactive and hands-on, two-day workshop will provide delegates with the theoretical and practical background required to identify and challenge existing processes in their organisation. The delegates will learn to see processes in the context of an overall value stream with a view to cutting out wasteful and costly process steps that add no value to the organisation.

Real life processes from within the organisation will form the basis for the practical application of the theory and ensure complete relevance to the delegates.

Process Identification is the first course in the four-module Process Minimalism® Series. On completion of all four modules, delegates will be awarded the title “Process Minimalist®

If taken as a stand-alone course, only a certificate of attendance will be issued.

Course Programme:

Process Identification is a two-day workshop:

Day 1

  • Theory of process mapping and value streams
  • Mapping real-life value streams within the organisation
  • Mapping real-life processes within the organisation
  • Introduction to value and waste

Day 2

  • Challenge processes mapped on day 1
  • Identify waste and types of waste in the processes
  • Draft a future state of the processes used throughout the workshop

Suitable For:

Managers, team leaders and operators.

Why Attend:

If your business and/or operational processes do not give the desired results. When you want to work smarter, not harder. If your shop floor is crammed with work in progress. If your administrative processes are holding up work.

Contact WBS Group for more information.
