WBS Group Answers Questions on Implementing Lean

  • 6 May 2015
  • Number of views: 8732
Joseph Turnbull of WBS Group speaks about the process of implementing a Lean Business System.

What is SPC?

  • 5 May 2015
  • Number of views: 8060

The purpose of Statistical Process Control (SPC) is to achieve a desired level of quality during the course of manufacture or service by anticipating and preventing rather than detecting defects. So by controlling the production process – or the machine making the product it is possible to consistentlyachieve good quality products.

“When the going gets tough the smart get going”

  • 5 May 2015
  • Number of views: 11586
Here we are again, yet another economic down turn for companies to survive. More redundancies, quick fixes adapted to cope with the short-term issues facing the company. Long-term strategies put on the backburner as an option rather than a solution.

The need to have appraisals – it can shape your future

  • 5 May 2015
  • Number of views: 10568
Organisations today know that outstanding business achievement requires the best possible performance by every team and every employee. Individuals, teams and organisations all depend on relevant feedback to improve the way they perform.