Changeover Reduction – a Way of Life, Not Just an Event

  • 19 June 2015
  • Number of views: 17230
Changeover Reduction – a Way of Life, Not Just an Event
Changeover reduction, also known as SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die) is one of the great waste reducing tools in the Lean tool box.

Logistics - Optimising Distribution and Network Planning

  • 28 May 2015
  • Number of views: 5
Logistics - Optimising Distribution and Network Planning

Even in the last 10 years the very shape of logistics has been challenged. We have always had global economies but we have never had customers requiring and requesting such variety and speed as is the case today. We have gone from 4-5 week delivery turnaround if you’re lucky to needing goods the same day you place the order. Now the discussions are about delivery within 2 hours. Logistics is now more than ever about Strategy, Planning, and Process

The Future is Omni-Channel

  • 28 May 2015
  • Number of views: 5
The Future is Omni-Channel

In the last few years traditional retailers have finally woken up to the huge threat posed by e-commerce retailers such as Amazon. The impact of the internet has turned the traditional based bricks and mortar retailers almost inside out.  Are you ready to offer a true Omni Channel experience? 

New Service Line Launch - Leaner, Faster, Simpler

  • 28 May 2015
  • Number of views: 8342
New Service Line Launch - Leaner, Faster, Simpler

WBS Group are pleased to announce the launch of our new service offering for Manufacturing and Supply Chain Transformation. The new approach of Leaner, Faster, Simpler enhances a broad series of best practice methods, tools and techniques applied to suit your individual requirements.

The Future of Manufacturing - Leaner, Faster, Simpler

  • 22 May 2015
  • Number of views: 8
The Future of Manufacturing - Leaner, Faster, Simpler
Manufacturing has changed rapidly in the last 200 years. Technology such as the internet have pushed the need for constant innovation as the fifth dimension to success. No longer can factories and warehouses apply a one size fits all as flexibility has become king.