Process Minimalism in Practice

Process Minimalism Training at Essentra Kidlington

  • 23 August 2018
  • Number of views: 5165
WBS was asked to provide Process Minimalism® training for 12 middle management staff from a variety of departments and disciplines at Esssentra Ltd in Kidlington UK. This was to enable key staff to be fully competent in Process Improvement across the Kidlington Site and beyond. 

Case Study - Going Lean through Process Minimalism® at an American controls manufacturer

  • 3 January 2017
  • Number of views: 38597
Case Study - Going Lean through Process Minimalism® at an American controls manufacturer
This operation was a blank canvas with hardly any existing measurements. Those that did exist were either not used at all or used ineffectively. Properly quantifying the benefits could therefore not be achieved until after implementation when systems and processes had imbedded.

Case Study - Process Review at a Large European Manufacturer & Distributor

  • 23 November 2016
  • Number of views: 5799
Case Study - Process Review at a Large European Manufacturer & Distributor
This assignment involved recruiting an interim Operations Manager and a team of supply chain specialists to assist with data analysis, strategy, process improvement and project management in both distribution and manufacturing.

Five Steps to Process Minimalism®

  • 16 November 2016
  • Number of views: 81079
Five Steps to Process Minimalism®

We discuss the five steps to our latest training course series, Process Minimalism®. The steps include, identifying your processes, understanding your processes, identifying your process waste, designing and measuring your future processes and setting goals and create an action plan.