Specialists in Manufacturing and Supply Chain Optimisation

WBS Group prefer to take projects through to practical conclusions. It is not enough for us simply to identify solutions and make recommendations; we want to actually do the work.

WBS Group are as comfortable in factories and warehouses as they are in boardrooms. Indeed, we do not see how you can make improvements to supply chains unless you can see them in action, and talk knowledgeably to the people making them work.

Inevitably, every project is focused on a specific and unique set of problems or opportunities. However, they usually fall under four broad headings:


If you have a particular area of concern within your operations we can help with a targeted assessment, such as the Warehousing and Logistics Process Improvement Assessment or the Manufacturing and Operations Assessment which are geared towards reducing costs and improving employee efficiency and productivity. 

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Strategic Design

WBS Group specialise in helping business deliver supply chain transformations. Many companies do not understand the possibilities or can't visualise how a future state operation would look and perform. WBS group can either work with you as part of a full "end to end" supply chain transformation, or carry out a targeted piece of consultancy to help you with a strategic design.  

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Tactical Transformation

You may have a vision for your business, but maybe lack the knowledge and understanding to make the transformations needed, whilst minimising disruption. We can help you identify the parts of your supply chain that are not performing well, uncover the issues and then help you implement the required fixes. 

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Train and Sustain

When you make changes to processes and policies, it is essential to make sure that the people affected by the changes can work with them and benefit from them. At WBS we strongly recommend making training and/or coaching a central element of any performance improvement or change project. The primary purpose is to make sure your people gain the skills and competencies necessary to sustain a culture of continuous improvement once we have left.

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