Innovation Led Sourcing and Inbound Logistics

Success in today’s globally competitive and dynamic marketplace requires new strategies, and new capabilities. Companies are under constant pressure to reduce supply costs and they need to encourage suppliers to drive innovation. Meanwhile, the potential risks to consumer safety, company reputation, and corporate earnings of poorly managed supply chains demand rigorous management.

Reaping Success in a Volatile Global Marketplace

Volatile commodity pricing, global competitive pressures, disruptive technologies, and continuous changes across the supply chain all create new risks, new challenges, and also new opportunities. 

Procurement and supply chain organisations need to

  • Improve cross-functional collaboration within their own companies
  • Develop and pursue innovative negotiation strategies
  • Lead efforts to build and sustain collaborative partnerships with key suppliers

Tighter, Flexible, Collaborative Sourcing and Logistics

WBS Group draw on unique expertise in 

  • Strategic sourcing
  • Negotiation
  • Supply chain operations
  • Relationship management
  • Change management 

WBS Group help companies develop and implement innovative approaches to negotiating and collaborating with suppliers and to enhance the working relationship between procurement and internal business partners. As a result, we have helped clients achieve bottom line savings and increased revenue.

WBS Group Offer a Wide Range of Support

  • Lead supply chain transformation initiatives
  • Support development of category strategies
  • Design and implement supplier relationship management programmes
  • Advise on high-stakes supplier negotiations
  • Provide a range of training solutions to procurement leaders and professionals
  • Map, model and develop inbound logistic networks
  • Air freight and sea freight assessments
  • Supplier positioning assessments to improve efficiency
  • Supplier risk management
  • Development of Supplier Performance Scorecards 
  • Work with suppliers to help develop performances and achieve collaborated results
  • Cost to serve modelling 

With our end to end capability, WBS Group can help release opportunity by focusing on a balanced approach to supply chain management. 

To see if there a good fit between WBS Group and yourselves, start with a FREE no obligation consultation today.

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End-to-End Supply Chain
End-to-End Supply Chain