Top Tips: Your brand for Brexit - a communications checklist

  • 11 July 2017
  • Number of views: 8369
Top Tips: Your brand for Brexit - a communications checklist

Bite size pieces make for an enabled process – this is a great time to get your communications and actions in order. We often focus on getting things right logistically, but are our communications reflecting the job we do too?

Follow our BRAND ready, BRAND steady checklist:

1.            Brand communications – review strategy. Are you saying the right things for the audience?

2.            Internal communications – what measures do you have to inform and reassure staff?

3.            Corporate communications – if you lobby and address regulatory audiences, have you made any comments yet? Get to the front and people will follow.

4.            On- and off-line Communications – do your website and marketing materials reflect any recent changes to policy, structure or content?

5.            Social media – are you getting the right voice out there? Review your channels – update and brief stakeholders.

6.            Communications materials – outline your message, what you want to say and who you want to say it to.

7.            Media communications – have statements at the ready. These can influence market concerns – and thinking about what you want to say means you can easily cascade this internally too.

8.            Consider what are you saying – have you spoken to business groups and trade associations? Have you taken note of what they are saying themselves?

9.            Speaker platforms – have your say. If you are given the opportunity take it. Be a leader.

10.          Join the expert voice – why not call us for advice?
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Tags: Top Tips