WBS Group Office Manager Jackie Gear takes blue sky thinking to another level

Inspiration at 13,000 feet...

  • 10 August 2017
  • Number of views: 11824
WBS Group Office Manager Jackie Gear takes blue sky thinking to another level

In December 2016 WBS Group Office Manager Jackie Gear was invited by Peter Mols; Manager at Grove Business Park, to join his comittee for ‘Team Mikayla’ a charity that aims to raise both awareness and funds to provide wishes to children who have been diagnosed with cancer or leukaemia and receive treatment via the Kamrans Ward of the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford.

The ‘Team Mikayla’ charity is inspired by an 11-year-old child who has being fighting brain cancer from the age of four. Mikayla told her mum she would like to help other children with cancer. From this inspirational child's request ‘Team Mikayla’ was born. Activities like fetes and raffles to events further afield, like a trip to Africa where the team climbed Kilimanjaro, are all part of the many fund raising ideas.

Jackie met with the full support of Brian Whitford MBE, WBS Group MD, and the WBS team who have backed her fully through the time needed to fulfil the role – although it is doubtful that any of them expected to see Jackie signing up for a sponsored sky dive just six months later.

“I knew that in order to raise a decent enough amount I would have to push myself out of my comfort zone, a 10k fun run wasn’t going to do it.” Jackie said. “And so I went against everything that my head was telling me is normal and opted to join the skydive team, launching myself out of a plane at 13,000ft!

“I raised just under £2,000 for what was the most insane, yet most amazing experience ever, for the most inspirational young lady ever. Would I do it again? Definitely.” Jackie concluded.

Brian commented: “We are are incredibly proud of Jackie at WBS. It might be madness but that suits Jackie’s style. She is brave but also kind and committed and the charity is a very worthy cause. We are waiting in anticipation to hear what the next madcap idea will be.”

If you are interested in supporting the charity please go to: www.teammikayla.co.uk
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